Sunday, May 24, 2009


Dear Couragers,

Please take some time to post any beautiful phrases/paragraphs you have come across on Kidnap here.


  1. A rough hand struck my chest and I was thrown backwards to the floor. For the next half minute, I was unable to do anything. See, breathe, think, make my heart beat.

    I muffled a scream-which came out as a groan instead.

    The stranger yanked me up and dragged me around one of the mounds of earth, and I saw the van. Its side door was slid open wide, an open doorway leading to blackness.

    The cold metal floor slapped against my cheek, and then there was just darkness and the slide-bang of the door shutting. The metallic noise echoed in my ears. It was the sound of the world slamming its door in my face for good.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Minutes tickled by, not a sound came from the room. Silence filled every inch of the room. the only light came from was the naked bulb dangling in the room.

    Shadows loomed here and there. I whimpered in fear. Hunger pangs gnawed at my stomach, making it grumble. I looked around in desperation, trying to find a way I could get free from my ' binds'.

    Suddenly, a sudden glint caught my eye. A broken piece of glass! It lay just a few inches away from the rocking chair. "Hpmmm..." I grunted as I tried rocking the chair forward. Just a few centimeters, and I would reach the glass.

    Perspiring now, I rocked the chair forward a bit more. I got the glass and cut the rope. I was freed from my 'binds!'

  4. This is from our model composition.

  5. Diane kicked at her assailant but her bare feet had little effect. She bit the gloved hand covering her mouth and trieed to squirm out of his grasp. Fumes of some sort of chemicals, sweet and pungent, crept into her nose and mouth. The world seemed to spin.

  6. Out of the blue, someone clammed a sweaty palm over my mouth.I struggled like a wild horse but all my efforts were futile.Mustering all my courage, I whipped around, horrified to met the most wanted and vicious criminal in Singapore.My heart began racing like a bullet train and my knee went soft.I was then dragged into a van."BANG!"The rear door of the van slammed shut and his assistant began gagging me with a filthy cloth as the van rocketed into the street.

  7. She drew in breath for a scream and there was a rush in the darknessand something clapped over her mouth. She tried to fight back-kicking her legs in the air. She had never been so fightened in her life.

    However, the violence of her first panic exhausted itself. It was like fighting against a straitjacket; her struggles only to tire her out. And overheat her. She was smothering and she was so hot...if only she could breathe...

  8. A mass of filthy, matted hair hung to his elbows. If eyes hadn't been shining out of the deep, dark sockets, he might have been a corpse. The waxy skin was stretched so tightly over the bones of his face, it looked like a skull. His yellow teeth were bared in a grin. It was the kidnapper.

  9. Strong bamboo walls surrounded me and durable ropes bound me as I came to my feet and tried to find a place that had something sharp for me to cut myself free and perhaps kill the kidnapper and claim self defense. Not that I really would, of course, but the temptation was growing stronger every second I searched for a knife. Just then, I heard footsteps outside the door, alerting me to the kidnapper's presence.

  10. "where am i?" i said while stifling a yawn.I also feel pain in my head.I found myself in a dilapiated room,And there is a rope tying me to a chair.Then suddenly i heard someone snoring,the word 'kidnap' suddenly flash into my head like lightning.It must be the kidnapper.Moonlight filtered through the window pane.Causing a shard of broken glass to shine.It caught my eyes.I picked it up and cut the rope.As time tick by, i finally broke free. I quickly untie my legs and quitely walk to the door.Suddenly, i kicked a table's leg accidentally."Hey!where are you going?"Shouted a voice behind me.
