Sunday, May 24, 2009

Description of dark & scary places

Dear Couragers,

Please take some time to post any beautiful phrases/paragraphs you have come across on dark & scary places here.


  1. (in a scary place, you lose your footing and fall down, such that you're off-guard)

    Her heel slid on the slippery concrete, and she careened crazily forward, heading for a collision with the wet ground.

  2. Depicting a scene in a dark night:

    moonlight spilled onto his chest and shoulders.

  3. WXinY
    (An old and abandoned house)
    -From the front it looked like a grand house that might have belonged to a rich family perhaps a hundred years ago: tall imposing doors, shuttered windows, white stone columns, and great chunks of statuary scattered on the pavement outside. But over the years the house had declined, the plasterwork falling away, weeds sprouting in the brick-work. The windows were dark with the dust of city life and car exhaust fumes.

  4. (feelings sb had in a scary place)

    She turned her head sharply as she thought she had sensed a movement. A pale shaft of sunlight, heavy with swirling dust, was falling across the ancient floorboards. But beyond, the corner were full of glooms and shadows. Had one of those shadows moved? Lousisa felt her scalp prickling, like it does when you feel you are being watched.

  5. THe door had opened halfway. Beyond it, a corridor led into the gloom. The floorboards were rotten, all wet and slimy and I could hear dripping sounds from within the house. Moving closer, I peered up at the old ceiling. The plasters were dangling like tentacles. I sniffed. A dank smell filled the air.

  6. It was a room. A very disordered, dusty room. Paper was peeling from the walls. There were stains all over the floor. Every piece of furniture was broken as though somebody had smashed it. The windows were all boarded-up.

  7. Murkiness hoary masses, spitted from the sky making rain
    that was almost sharp enough to break through the clunged ,dusty house . No one else ever dared to go in. The last time someone went in they were never to be seen as this house belongs to daredevil Chucky!!!

  8. Ill say one then:
    Weeds,vines and death sprawled over the walls and blood covered bricks of the house

  9. The scariest haunted house you see, isn't some mansion on a hill, it's an empty bungalow in suburbia with 1970s design. It has an old telephone with a curly dirty-cream wire, and each door lock is way too high for its captives hands. It has a normal front door. It has a latch and chain. It has a house number and a mowed front lawn. It is somewhat "Stepford Wives." It is a place where one day moves seamlessly to the next, never day nor night but a sort of nightmare-fogged twilight with the threat of torture all too real. Will the monster come tonight, or stay in the closet hidden? Will sharp fangs sink deeply yet leave no trace upon the skin? It is all so random, the pain and the spite, the cold servings day after wretched day. So, be warned, this is the scariest of all haunted homes, because it sets up camp within your soul and maintains itself from there. And so if you ever wish to leave the route will never be fair, for it will push you to "check out" and fool you to think you've left its grasp. To leave you must regain your soul and destroy the haunted house, even as the rain comes in and snow falls all about. You destroy the monster even as you see your reflection too, that in your stay in this haunted house, you became part-monster too. And as you wage this war, to leave the scary haunted house, over time you grow new body parts - angel wings and angel hands. Then one day you simply fly free through the rotten roof, not to take nor carry others, yet to show that it can be done, that it is possible to win. But perhaps for you the haunted house looks different? Perhaps it is the home in which you now dwell? In that case good luck but get out, pay the price, or go to hell.

  10. Tiny rivers of trapped rain water, waiting to drain, now resting between the uneven bricks of the pavement, barely shed light down this desolate strange and eerie road. The sidewalk rather lean and thin on both sides with pockets of wet overgrown grass permeated the street, that leads nowhere, with the fresh scent of cut grass from where the dead now lie. Here, on this dark, dank and seemingly eternal road, no one dares no more to even stroll
