Sunday, May 24, 2009


Dear Couragers,

Please take some time to post any beautiful phrases/paragraphs you have come across on Fire/Bomb here.


  1. Once again, he struck the matchstick and it lit up in a crimson glow onto the papers. Then, the gentle dancing flame touched the newspaper.

    Immediately, the flame exploded into what seemed like fiery monster. Flames licked at the boys, sending them shrieking in horror.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1) And then, he smelled it. Seeping through the floor boards, coming from somewhere deep in the heart of the building. Fire. They had set fire to the towel block. Alex knew it even before he saw the first wisps of smoke creeping under the door. They had doused the place with patrol, set it alight and left him nailed inside what would soon be the world’s biggest funeral pyre. For a moment he felt panic-black and irresistible- as it engulfed him. More smoke was curling under the door. Alex sprang to his feet and backed over to the window, wondering if there was some way he could knock out the glass.

    2) The floor had almost disappeared beneath a swirling carpet of smoke. It seemed to be reaching up as if it wanted to grab hold and devour him.

    3) The cackling of the flames was louder out in the corridor. The block of the flats seemed damp and musty to Alex but it was going up like a torch. He could feel the heat in the air. The end of the corridor was already shimmering in the heat haze. The corridor on the other side was well alight. There were brilliant red and orange flames, tearing into the walls, leaping through the floor, devouring everything in its path. Alex was shocked by their speed and elemental strength.

    4) The explosion was huge, much bigger than he expected. For a moment, the plane disappeared completely, replaced by a scarlet fire ball that hovered fifteen metres above the runway. There were no wings, no propellers, no wheels. Only flames. And then, like a hideous firework, broken pieces of glass and metal burst out of the inferno, bouncing of the tarmac and slamming into the lawn.

    These phrases are adapted from Ark Angel and Snakehead, written by Anthony Horowitz.

  4. Everything flashed brilliant white and then a huge kaboom! THe sound practically punctured my eardrums. I was lying on the floor behind the couch, and Fang was behind me, his arms around me, one hand covering my face. There was a bit of crackling, and then the weird post-explosion silence that sounds much louder than ordinary silence. Slight fluttering sounds told me that bits of stuff were floating to the ground.

  5. One thousand and fifty metre below Nine dragon but one hundred and fifty metre above the seabed, the bomb exploded. Alex felt the entire oil rig shudder violently, and the floor veered crazily beneath his feet as five of the steel tethers along with with the drill pipe itself was torn apart.

    He didn't even feel the shock wave from the explosion until it hit him, but this of course was the main purpose of Royal blue, to flatten anything for miles around. The pulse smashed into the boat, destroying the electrics, snuffing out lights, ripping everything out apart. Major yu's bone structure wasn't strong enough to withstand it. Every single bone in the body fractured at the same time. For about 2 minutes, he remauned aguely human. Then his body with no frame to support it, crumpled in on himself: a bag of skin full of broken pieces.

    (Royal Blue is a type of bomb they called daisy cutter. I know the description of the aftermath of the bomb is quite disgusting.)

  6. (Trying to start a fire so as to distract the kidnapper in the toilet)
    It took a few seconds for the fire to get going. Impatient, I kept grabbing at whatever could burn and using them to feed the fire. Finally, the tiny flames blossomed into huge yellow ones, and smoke began to fill the room. The fire was giving off a good amount of heat and I backed away, feeling it start to singe the ends of my hair. It was an impressive blaze now, completely filling the bathtub. Flames licked along the length of the towel, finally catching into the bathmath and starting to climb the walls.

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